
File Trademark Opposition | Counter Statement to Trademark Opposition


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Trademark Opposition


Ever wondered as to how your Trademark Registration Process after Showing as Accepted & Advertised got changed to Opposed or in general; it became a part of Trademark Opposition? Does the status of TM Application as Opposed sound scary and you lost the hope of getting your Trademark Registration Certificate?


If you have filed a TM Application and it is currently showing as Accepted & Advertised by the Trademark Registry, there is still a probability that your Trademark Registration can be challenged by the third party/ public with Trademark Opposition. They can file a TM Opposition against your Trademark Registration by filing TM-O.

At this juncture of having TM-O, it becomes very sensitive to file Reply as Counter Statement against TM-O to the Trademark Department. By filing Counter Statement, you are supposed to prove that how TM-O has been filed in a bad taste and it is null and void in the Trademark Law. Having the right Trademark Agents/ TM Attorneys can help you with your trademark opposition in a hassle-free manner.

In another situation;

If you are an owner of Registered Trademark and you find out that there is another application which has been accepted and advertised by the Trademark Registry, but the wordmark/ logo filed by the applicant is similar to your existing brand under Section 11 and it can cause confusion in the eyes of public. In such a case, you have the legal right to file an application under TM-O to challenge the registration of the filed trademark.


Trademark Objection and Trademark Opposition are the two most common challenges to any trademark application.

  • iconTrademark Objection: Your application may be Abandoned if you do not file the reply to the Examination Report or do not attend the Trademark Hearing as the case may be. If you have filed the REPLY TO EXAMINTION REPORT or/ and, also attended the Trademark Hearing but in all sense, your contention could not satisfy the Trademark Registry, or it was unsustainable in the case of Trademark Objection, the TM Application is marked as Refused.
  • iconTrademark Opposition: This is a situation after TM Application getting Accepted & Advertised / Advertised before Accepted. We bly advise you to seek the assistance of a trademark agent/ attorney to seek the expert consultancy with b drafting skills, knowledge of Trademark case laws, and the ability to draft a b counter statements/ trademark opposition (as the case may be) in response or for trademark oppositions raised by parties claiming to be aggrieved by the trademark registration. This can result in TM Withdrawal/ TM Abandoned/ TM Refused on the merit of the case.

Documents Required for Trademark Opposition

The following are some required documents to file an Opposition/ Counter Statement:

  • iconApplicant's information, including full name, full address, nationality, qualification, and so on. Body corporates and other categories must provide a Registration Certificate.
  • iconPower of Attorney: Submitting a Power of Attorney authorises the attorney to file the Opposition/ Counter Statement on your behalf.
  • iconSubmit an Affidavit with basic information about the Trademark, user data, and evidence of use;
  • iconDetailed information about the mark against which the Trademark Opposition/ Counter Statement is to be filed in the name and basic grounds for filing the Opposition.
  • iconAny other documents which are important depending on the case to case basis.

Legal Procedures of Trademark Opposition

The Trademark Opposition procedure includes the following stages:

Step 1: Any person who is dissatisfied with the concerned trademark registration may file a notice of trademark opposition online within four months of the date of advertisement.

Step 2: The Applicant may then file a counter statement within two months of receiving the notice of opposition.

Step 3: Attach certain supporting evidence, if available, to the Counter-Statement. The counter statement must be filed within two months (extendable by one month) via Affidavit.

Step 4: The opponent includes evidence in his arguments; however, he has the option of writing to the Registrar and stating that he/she does not want to file evidence and that facts are all he has.

Step 5: On request, the Opponent may be granted one month (extendable by one month) to file evidence in response to the Applicant's evidence.

Step 6: The Registrar will conduct the hearing based on the notice of opposition, counter-statement, and evidence filed.

Step 7: After receiving the notice of hearing, the parties must notify the Registrar of their intention to appear in the matter within 14 days.

Step 8: Finally, after both parties have an opportunity to be heard, the Registrar decides the case on its merits.

Step 9: If the matter is decided in favour of the applicant, the trademark will be registered, and a registration certificate will be issued. If the registrar rules in favour of the opponent, the trademark application will be rejected as a result of the trademark opposition.

Features & Benefits of Trademark Opposition

  • iconThe public's popularity, innovation and demand are important factors in the creation of a brand. It is critical for the approval of a Trademark to consult the general public before registering an applied Trademark via TM Opposition.
  • iconThe owners of registered trademarks have the right to prevent any other similar or identical Trademark from infringing or diluting the reputation of their already registered Trademark in the future by TM Opposition.
  • iconWhen there is a similar Trademark in the market, the owner can also prevent any possible confusion in the minds of the public within 4 months of publishing the same in the trademark journal in the form of TM-O with TM Opposition.
  • iconMaintaining and creating a brand is a big responsibility that requires a lot of money. As a result, before registering a brand, the application must go through several checks and scrutiny. One such opportunity/ threat is TM Opposition.
  • iconThe TM Registration enables a brand to demonstrate its market validity and distinctiveness. As a result, Trademark Opposition is an important and critical stage in the trademark registration process. One of the most effective ways to secure and protect your trademark is to file an opposition.
  • iconThe Trademark Opposition should be filed within the prescribed time frame; otherwise, the right to file for Opposition will expire. The limitation of time plays an important role in awarding the remedy to the person who has been aggrieved. The process of filing for Trademark Opposition is time-consuming and lengthy.

Compliance Ease Cure LLP has extensive experience in filing b trademark counter-statements as well as filing TM-O on your behalf. Our trademark agents/ attorneys have set a standard in representing trademark counter-statements/ filing TM-O and help how to avoid trademark opposition or file tm opposition to safeguard your own brand.

The Most Important Notes for TM Opposition

Note 1: If the Applicant does not file the Counter Statement within two months, the Trademark application is deemed Abandoned.

Note 2: Upon receipt of the Opponent's evidence, the Applicant is given 2 months (extendable by 1 month) to file any Evidence in Support of Application.

Note 3: Trademark opposition is a type of remedy available to registered proprietors/previous users of a trademark. However, all registered proprietors/previous users must keep an eye out for filing trademark opposition.

Note 4: Keep an eye on trademarks even if you are an owner of a registered brand/ previous users. Also, do not get complacent if your TM Application has been Accepted & Advertised and 4 months have not passed which is the period for filing a TM Opposition.

Note 5: If your rights are infringed upon causing a situation of Trademark Infringement, take appropriate action at the appropriate time and Trademark Opposition could be the best remedy at the initial stage of Trademark Registration itself.