
Govt Grant Supports to NGO | Darpan Updation for Grants in NITI Ayog


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Government Grants Support

Non-Governmental Organisations work for a social cause. They are established with the specified aims and objectives to serve public good. They work towards upliftment and betterment of the Society, acting as a helping hand to Government for national development. Since the resources of such NGO’s and VO’s are limited, Government provides them assistance in form of Government Grants in order to achieve their goals for which they are established.

Government Grant is Financial Assistance provided to NGO’s / VO’s working for social cause. NGO’s are entitled to receive Government Grants subject to certain terms and conditions and fulfilling the eligibility criteria. Depending upon the area, working sector and objective of NGO’s the NGO’s need to select suitable Ministry/ Organistaion/ Department of Government and schemes for getting funding for their projects.

List of few Ministries along with the name of schemes for providing financial assistance to NGO’s engaged in working of promotion of culture, health and family welfare, Women and Child Development, Education etc are mentioned below:-.

Ministry Of Culture:-


Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare:


Ministry Of Women & Child Development:


Ministry Of Education:


Ngo Darpan:

NGO Darpan is an initiative taken by Government of India in order to enhance collaborations and interactions between the Non-Government Organisation (NGO’s) and Voluntary Organisation (VOs) with the Government.

The registration is:-

  • iconOnline and convenient to apply;
  • iconMandatory for applying Government Grants;
  • iconBeneficial to both NGO’s/ VO’s as well as the Government;
  • iconCreates repository of NGO’s/VO’s as well as Blacklisted NGO’s and VO’s;
  • iconA unique ID is generated for each NGO’s/VO’s;
  • iconCreates transparency and credibility of NGO/VO’s among the Government and Public, enabling more donations opportunities from public;
  • iconE-Platform for exchange of information between Government and NGO’s/ VO’s

Documents Required for Government Grants Support

For Darpan ID Registration:

  • iconCertificate of Registration of the Entity;
  • iconIncorporation Documents of the Entity i.e Trust Deed/ Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association/ Memorandum and Bye-Laws/ Rules and Regulations;
  • iconPAN Card of the Entity;
  • iconPAN Card and Aadhar Card of Three members of Executive Committee;
  • iconDetailed note on activities of the entity done so far & proposed to be done;
  • iconDetails of all source of funds from government bodies in last 5 years;

For Application of Grant:

The list of documents vary as per terms of requirement of Government of Funding Agency, however the general list of documents is enlisted below:

  • iconCertificate of Registration of NGO;
  • iconIncorporation Documents : In case of Trust – Trust Deed; In case of Society: Memorandum and Bye- Laws/ Rules and Regulations; In case of Section 8 Company – Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association;
  • iconDetails of all Key functionaries/ office bearers i.e. settlors/authors/trustees; Members of Governing Council/ Members of Society; Directors and Shareholders, etc along with the KYC documents;
  • iconAnnual Report of NGO;
  • iconProgammes Activity Report of last three years or less;
  • iconAudited Annual Accounts along with Audit Report and Income Tax Returns of last three years or less;
  • iconProfile of NGO;
  • iconApplication for Grant;
  • iconProject Proposal; (In case if the format is prescribed by the Government of Funding Agency then it must be in that prescribed format; In case if there is no format prescribed than it must contain details w.r.t Justification to get Funds i.e. why funding is required; amount of funds required; details of expenditure of funds; Details w.r.t Project its need, importance, goals, benefit, etc and other required information and documents;)
  • iconDetails of Authorised Representative of NGO along with the Authority Letter.

Procedures/ Process of Govt Grants Support

Process for Creating Login on NGO Darpan Portal:


Process for Registration on Darpan Portal:

- Login on NGO Darpan Portal using login credentials and password

- Enter the requisite details:

W.r.t NGO: NGO Registration Authority; Act under which such NGO is registered; Registration Number; Date of Registration; Registration validity; NGO Address; Type of NGO; FCRA Registration Details (if registered under FCRA), etc.

W.r.t Members of NGO: Basic Personal Details of such person; Address, Email ID and Mobile Number; Designation of such person in NGO; Key Designation and date of appointment;
(*Details of Atleast three office bearers must be provided along with their designations)

W.r.t Sources of Funds: Details of Grant sanctioned along with Financial Year; Purpose of such Grant;

W.r.t Key Person Contact Information: Basic Personal Details of such person; Address, Email ID and Mobile Number; Designation of such person in NGO.

W.r.t Working Area: Area/ Sector in which such NGO is working; Activities/ Achievements of NGO; Practices and Major Activities/ Achievements of NGO

- Processing: Once the profile is completed, thereafter the documents are verified by NGO Darpan Administrator and if found in order an email is sent to applicant NGO within 48 hours about how to generate their unique Darpan ID

Process for Application of Grants through NGO Darpan Portal::


Features and Benefits of Govt Grants Support

Registration under NGO Darpan Portal:

  • iconDetails of Darpan ID are required for 12A Registration under Income Tax Act, 1961;
  • iconEvery Entity shall obtain a unique Darpan ID from the Darpan Portal of Niti Aayog for FCRA Registration and Prior Permission;
  • iconHigher Public Trust and Reliability;
  • iconMandatory Registration for applying any type of Government Grant;
  • iconEntity gets all the latest information about Government Projects, Schemes, and former initiative’s progress;
  • iconApplication for Government Grants can be made online and also application status of the Grants can be tracked online;
  • iconIt is platform for Non- Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) to have interactions and participation with the Government Departments;
  • iconA Unique Identification Number is allotted to NGO after registration which provides more credibility to NGO’s

Role Of Compliance Ease Llp: -

Fund is crucial for NGO’s/ VO’s in order to sustain and achieve its aims and objectives for which it is formed. Government provides Financial Assistance to such organisations subject to well set guidelines, rules, terms and various parameters for funding purpose. Compliance Ease consists of well experienced professionals who will guide you choose the rights schemes among numerous options available which reaps best benefit, helps in drafting Project Proposals and other documents required for application, regular follow- ups with the Government Departments in getting the grants approved. Our team will help you in getting various registrations, Government Grants as well as ensures that the NGO’s comply with all the statutory Compliances. For any support, feel free to reach out at info@complianceease.in or connect at 9773646999.